Le logo du graphiste David Henry. Écrire un e-mail à David Henry
35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France

Graphic designer


Thirty years experience creating and producing printed pieces using page layout and graphic arts software: books, posters, flyers, brochures, logos and corporate identity. Skilled in electronic pre-press procedures such as trapping, imposition, separation & color correction and coordinating the talents of a wide variety of personnel. Twenty years of experience creating web sites, as well as dynamic pages generated through PHP, responsive web pages that display well whether viewed on a telephone, tablet, computer or a television; creation of richly-formatted e-mail direct marketing messages. Take a look at my graphic design portfolio

Software expertise:

Latest versions of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator & Dreamweaver, BBEdit, Microsoft Word, Macintosh Operating System; Scripting: QuicKeys Sequences, Microsoft Word Macros, HTML, CSS; Working knowledge of: FileMaker Pro, Javascript, PHP & AppleScript.


Apple iMac 27", MacBook Air M1 13", iPhone SE, iPod Touch 7th gen, Wacom graphics tablet, Nikon Coolscan IV film scanner, two external hard drives of two and three terabytes, Nikon D800 digital reflex.


Massachusetts College of Art, september 1981–june 1987

Work history:

Tambour/Tanbou: Layout of 38 books in English, French and Haitian Creole, design and production of a 60-page bimonthly journal of political and literary studies, conversion of the issues in to web pages, 11 /93–present.

By Courtesy Magazine: Layout of a magazine about culture, art and literature of 20 pages in color in A4 tabloid format. Conversion of editions into web pages; 4/2012–8/2016.

Paris International: Overhaul of an existing web site and creation of an overall corporate identity for a travel agency offering tourism services for VIPs. Responsible for: web page layout, creation of forms and CGI scripts for secure on-line payment for tours and other tourist services. Duties include: announcing web pages to search engines, implementation of JavaScripts, design of brochures, supervision of translators, 7/2002–1/2006.

Traveler’s Companions: Layout of 28 tourism/travel guide books, 220–480 pages in length, with 200–300 photographs and maps each. Responsible for: pagination, picture selection and editing, index and table of contents generation, layout of 18 of these books in French. Duties include: traffic management, supervision of editorial and layout staff, evaluation of new hires, 5/1997–12/2001.

Red Sun Press: Project management, art direction, design and production of newsletters, annual reports, books, CD and cassette J-cards, posters and brochures for customers of a printing company in Boston. Scanning and retouching photographs and drawings. Responsible for separation, trapping and imposition of one- to four-color jobs submitted on disk, archival of completed projects, 11/93–3/96.

Electro Sales: Typesetting, design and pagination of a 400-page catalogue for a retailer of electric motors. IBM PC‑based system using PageMaker and Microsoft Windows 3.1; Responsible for copy edits, scanning and layout of graphics, photographs and text, 7–11/93.

Quinlan Publishing: Duties include creation of direct marketing materials, catalogues, special supplements, yearly indexes and monthly issues for a publisher of 30 newsletters on legal topics. IBM PC‑based system using PageMaker and Microsoft Windows 3.1; responsible for copy edits, Mac/DOS file transfers, paste-up, shooting photostats and negatives, stripping negatives, 8/91–12/92.

Somerville Community News: Converted mechanical production to desktop publishing. Duties include ad design; assignment and collection of illustrations; editorial photography; supervising proofreading and page planning; directing layout sessions for an eight-page monthly tabloid newspaper, 4/91–9/1996.

Television & video:

Les Américains de Paris, a documentary broadcast seven times on NRJ Paris in November 2008 and many times after;

Paris Sensation, Paris Sensation, a forty-minute, two-episode program about the Da Vinci Code phenomenon in Paris, broadcast in Shanghai, China;

The mystery of love, footage shot and edited for a crowd funding campaign video for Julie Rose Wilde, a jazz singer in Savannah, Georgia.

Paris Rendez-Vous, a three-minute documentary about Belleville, a neighborhood of Paris, by Esther Gimenez, produced for “The Slot” slot on Channel 4 as part of the celebrations of the hundredth anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, broadcast on September 8, 2004.